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The crackdown to the Shincheonji should be stopped.”

The crackdown to the Shincheonji should be stopped." 米・名門大学の教授「イ・マンヒ総会長、平和推進の誠心…新天地の弾圧中断すべき」 米・ノースウェスタン大学 サンジェイ・メロトラ(Sanjay Mehrotra)教授(提供:HWPL)ⓒ天地日報米・ノースウェスタン大学サンジェイ・メロトラ(Sanjay Mehrotra)教授...

A country that charges sin to the victims of corona infection

[Tenchi Daily Editorial] A country that charges sin to the victims of corona infection [天地日報 社説]コロナの感染被害者に罪を問う国 権力は4~5年周期で変わる。変わらない権力はないということを歴史が証明している。それゆえ、権力を握る時、謙遜で、しっかりとしなければならない。しかし、常に権力を握った者たちはいつの間にか傲慢になり、その幕切れの頃、思わぬ方向に転落する人も多い。...

GOV IUKAC Stock Market – Diplomatic Affairs Honor Market.

Our honor market is open to sales of our stock shares over the counter.  We have different stocks; this market is part of the royal house IUKAC.  Our stock has a value and we are an independent market. We are open to relations with other market and for now our sales...

“Diffusion of new corona, agust and discrimination in Korean society”

"Diffusion of new corona, agust and discrimination in Korean society"   「新型コロナ拡散、韓国社会の嫌悪・差別深刻化」 世界人権都市フォーラムで指摘…「災難状況で国家が社会的排除を正当化」   新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)の恐怖が韓国社会に存在していた嫌悪と差別を深刻化させたという分析が出た。...

Podgifts presents customized on demand gifts in their Etsy shop

Customized gifts tend to be memorable and they give a different feel to the loved ones. It is important that people understand the likes and dislikes of their loved ones before gifting them. In present times there is a huge demand for customized handmade gifts that...

Goldman Sachs: Two Strong Stocks to follow

Out on Wall Street, elections are the talk of the town. As President Trump’s battle against COVID-19 wages on, Biden has taken the lead in the race to the White House, with a Reuters poll conducted on October 2-3 putting the former Vice President ahead by 10...

Take Your Enterprise to the next level with CPaaS from DIDWW

Remote communication has never been more important. For large companies and budding enterprises, the post coronavirus world will see more emphasis on ensuring high-quality, in-depth communications. Telecommunications company, DIDWW, is providing these businesses with...

Songwriter HC Oakes Releases Herd Immunity

The HC Oakes Band ( returns to release their latest powerful, creative, timely and message-heavy rock single “Herd Immunity.” The release features crunching riffs, captivating melodic elements, raw instrumentation, and catchy vocals to...

Bail permission for Lee Man Hee must be done by rational judgment

Bail permission for Lee Man-hee who is the chairman of the Shincheonji General Assembly, must be done by rational judgment イ・マンヒ、新天地総会長の保釈許可、理性的な判断によって行わなければならない 新型コロナの防疫活動を妨害した嫌疑で拘束起訴された新天地イエス教証拠幕屋聖殿のイ ・マンヒ(90)総会長に対する保釈許可の可否が関心を集めている。  ...

“legendary Shengjing Fuyun Shenyang” was held on October 13

Cultural tourism (Chengdu) promotion meeting of "legendary Shengjing Fuyun Shenyang" was held on October 13 At the promotion meeting, the colorful cheongsam show made the audience unable to put down their mobile phones.   Fang Mingzhen introduces Shenyang Palace...

PodGifts for all your unique, custom made and personalised gifts

NY, USA: PodGifts is an Etsy store which is based and operated from NY, USA. We have a collection of unique handmade products which are ideal in gifting your near and dear ones. These gifts can be customised as per your requirement and range from funny political...

“when fair judgment is necessary”

Lee Man-hee, Chairman of the General Assembly, detention investigation must be end "when fair judgment is necessary" イマンヒ総会長、拘束捜査はここまで「公正な判断が必要な時」   ▲ 新天地イエス教会の団体血漿供与グラフと、大邱陸上振興センターでの血漿供与の現場。   [キムミンスン記者]検察で新天地イエス教証拠幕屋聖殿のイマンヒ総会長を拘束してから 約2ヶ月が経った9月28日、...

What is the reason why Lee Man-hee cannot be bailed?

What is the reason why the court's bail decision, Jeon Kwang-hoon, can be made, but Lee Man-hee cannot? 裁判所の保釈決定、チョン・グァンフンはできて、イ・マンヒはできない理由は何か?...

Is it epidemic prevention or security?

Is it epidemic prevention or security? Personal information on a cutting board 防疫なのか保安なのか…まな板にのった個人情報   [天地日報=ナムスンウ記者] 新型コロナウィルス感染症(新型コロナウイルス)の拡散防止のためにソーシャル・ディスタンス2段階措置が施行された9月14日の昼、ソウルのあるコーヒー専門店で市民らが入店者名簿に記入している。ⓒ天地日報 2020.9.14   [天地日報=ホンスヨン記者]新型...

Prize Strike Announce New Office

Leading global games provider In Game Credit has announced the launch of a new office in London, United Kingdom, which is home to some of the world’s most high-profile tech giants.   The office, opening in October, will support the company's development team,...

Hire a Grant Writer – Writing to Fund Your vision Together!

FL, USA: Hire a Grant Writer is Orlando based company which helps you find the best freelance grant writer today.   Why Hire a Grant Writer: Stories create magic and it is one of the most powerful means to influence, teach and inspire. Stories create emotions,...

Is Shincheonji the scapegoat of witch hunting in South Korea?

Is Shincheonji the scapegoat of witch hunting in South Korea? 大韓民国、魔女狩りのスケープゴートは新天地なのか?   [大韓ニュース=キムヤンフン] 最近、魔女狩りとフレームという単語がよく登場する。魔女狩りとは、ある特定の社会で耐え難い、重大な事件が発生した際、多数の集団が少数の集団をスケープゴートにし、迫害する事を意味する。迫害するために、弱者をその社会の異端として指目して、フレーム(濡れ衣を着せる)をかける。  ...

Burlington In-Home Music Set to Launch Its New In-Home Music Lessons

Burlington, Ontario - Burlington In-Home Music, a division of the Academy of Music on Speers Rd in Oakville is proud to announce that its new in-home music lessons comprising of guitar, violin, ukulele, and drums lessons for residents of Burlington, Ontario will kick...

Lee Man-hee, chairman of the General Assembly can be bailed

Lee Man-hee, chairman of the General Assembly, who has contributed to the war, can "be bailed" ... The history of superhuman world peace is a topic 参戦功労者であるイマンヒ総会長、「病保釈」できるか...超人的な世界平和の歩みが話題...

Lee Man hee’s bail, is it a problem?

Lee Man-hee's bail, is it a problem in the country of law? イ・マンヒ総会長の保釈、法治国家で悩む事なのか [天地日報=パクジュンソン記者] 新天地イエス教証拠幕屋聖殿(新天地)のイ・マンヒ総会長が、3月2日午後、京畿加平の平和研修院で開かれた新型コロナウィルス感染症(コロナ19)関連の記者会見で総会長特別手紙を説明している。ⓒ天地日報   [天地日報=ホン・スヨン記者]...

Shincheonji did nationwide coronavirus epidemic prevention volunteer

Shincheonji did nationwide coronavirus epidemic prevention volunteer in front of Chuseok 新天地ボランティア団、秋夕(チュソク)を前に全国的な新型コロナウイルスの防疫ボランティア 左上から時計回りで、28日新天地ボランティア団亀尾支部、22日忠北支部、25日光州支部、24日全州支部が各地域で秋夕の祝祭日を迎えて、新型コロナウイルスの拡散防止のための防疫消毒のボランティアをしている。(提供: 新天地イエス教会)...

Introducing a new range of chocolate truffles & designer chocolates

Chocolate mantra launched a new range of chocolate truffles and designer chocolate bars for our Indian customers. There are as many as 30+ varieties of chocolate truffles from dark, milk, and white chocolates and about the same amount of varieties in designer...

Can Covid-19 boost the fintech industry in 2020?

IWL Consulting investment managers have spoken recently on how Covid-19 has accelerated the fintech agenda and how we can expect it to evolve over the coming months. Investors operating on the frontlines of fintech innovation look at how the global pandemic has altered...

Types of Heavy Rubber Conveyor Belts

  Conveyor belt is the main part of belt conveyor. It is mainly used for large-scale continuous transportation in coal, mining, metallurgy, chemical, construction and transportation sectors. The transported materials are divided into blocks, powders, pastes and...

Analyzing “corona hatred” through SNS …

Analyzing "corona hatred" through SNS ... SNSを通して「コロナ嫌悪」を分析した…「性的少数者・新天地など弱者に対してより深刻」 新天地イエス教大邱教会の前で消毒薬を撒く軍人たちの姿。(出所:NEWSIS)   国家人権委員会では,「感染症時代の人権」をテーマにオンライン討論会を行った。 イ.ギョンヒョン所長がSNSを通してコロナ19と嫌悪感ビックデータを分析したところ「中国人・性的少数者・女性・新天地・大邱市民に対して感染嫌悪が深刻」と発表した。...

Kj JoAnZ Moves Audiences with New Single, “Good Luck”

September 29, 2020, Rockford, IL: True to his original style, “Good Luck” by Kj JoAnZ is bumping with beats that make you want to jump up and dance. His silky voice draws you in, wrapping listeners up in soulful vibes. Smooth lyrics, rich vocals, and warm melodies...

Accelerates therapeutic agent development

GC Green Cross begins patient administration of plasma therapeutic agents ... Accelerates therapeutic agent development GC緑十字、血漿治療剤の患者投薬開始…治療剤開発を加速 [天地日報大邱=ソンヘイン記者]27日午後、新天地大邱教会の新型コロナ完治者らが 大邱陸上振興センターで行った血漿供与に参加している。 ⓒ天地日報     [天地日報=イスジョン記者]...

Prestarrs Announces Discount Prices for Cardigans and Coats

Prestarrs, one of the most popular online shops for women who look for modern and affordable clothing, announces that the store offers a discount price for women’s cardigans. Wearing a cardigan becomes a fashion trend. This product is suitable to wear in Spring....

Shincheonji held prayer meeting for 12 branches for the end of corona.

Shincheonji held a prayer meeting for 12 branches for the end of corona. 血漿供与に続いて、新型コロナ終息のための12支派祈祷会を開いた新天地 新型コロナ終息のための12枝派全聖徒祈祷会。ⓒ新天地   [時事プライム / イムジェヒョン記者] 1、2次にかけて、1千600名余りの血漿を防疫当局に提供した新天地が、新型コロナの終息のための12支派全聖徒祈祷会を行った。  ...

An online prayer meeting for end of Covid is a good mirror.

An online prayer meeting for the end of Covid19 will be a good mirror of the religious world. 新天地コロナ19終息のためのオンライン祈祷会、宗教界の良い鏡となるだろう。 [世界タイムズ:クァック.ジュン.ヒフリランサー記者]新天地イエス教会の提案の下、全世界コロナ19終息のため、心を合わせたオンライン祈祷会が開かれた。       ...

Shincheonji Chicago Church took part in a prayer meeting to overcome Covid19

Shincheonji Chicago Church took part in a prayer meeting to overcome Covid19 「コロナで苦しんでいる地球に治療薬を」新天地シカゴ教会新型コロナ克服のための祈祷会に参加 新天地イエス教会が、オンラインプラットフォームを利用して「新型コロナ終息のための全聖徒オンライン祈祷会」を行った。新天地イエス教会の聖徒らの祈祷会参加の様子(提供:新天地イエス教会)ⓒ天地日報     [天地日報=イソム記者]...

What is the coverage grade of rubber conveyor belt

Rubber conveyor belts are mainly used for solid bulk material transportation. It mainly consists of carcass and cover. Usually the carcass of rubber conveyor belts is made of fabric and steel cords, which provide reliable strength for the belt. The covering layer...

IWL Consulting Begin New Client Induction Initiative

IWL Consulting have recently began a new initiative to attract new investors to the company. Our successes over the past years have allowed us to expand our operational infrastructure and prospect for new clients to join our current crop of investors. We have decided...

Shincheonji had Global Prayer Meeting for the End of the Corona

US media coverage of "Shincheonji, Global Prayer Meeting for the End of the Corona" 米マスコミ「新天地、新型コロナ終息のためのグローバル祈祷会」報道 新天地イエス教会が16日、オンラインプラットフォームを利用して「新型コロナ終息のための全聖徒オンライン祈祷会」を行った。新天地イエス教会の聖徒らの祈祷会参加の様子(提供:新天地イエス教会)ⓒ天地日報  ...

Splicing method and classification of rubber conveyor belt

There are two main types of repair/splicing methods for rubber conveyor belts, cold vulcanization and hot vulcanization. Cold fluidization mainly uses chemical adhesives for repair and splicing, while hot vulcanization requires the use of a vulcanizer for splicing and...

Diplomatic Affairs – GOV IUKAC Empire

GOV IUKAC Empire will continue to improve diplomacy of the royal house government. We open opportunities for our citizens, IUKAC citizens and diplomatic people to participate in our diplomatic government. Ambassador of GOV IUKAC Empire for the better representation of...

Shincheonji Church of Jesus had prayer meetings for the end of Corona

Shincheonji Church of Jesus had prayer meetings for the end of Corona in the world 新天地イエス教会、新型コロナ終息、全世界の宗教人祈祷会を開催 新天地イエス教会が16日、オンラインプラットフォームを利用して「新型コロナ終息のための全聖徒オンライン祈祷会」を行った。 ©︎天地日報   16日正午、全世界の新型コロナ終息のためのオンライン祈祷会開催  ...


AUSTIN, TX – Melinda J. Rothouse, Ph.D., an internationally-acclaimed expert in creativity and leadership, announces the launch of her first book on Thursday, September 17, 2020. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, “A Mindful Approach to Team Creativity and Collaboration...

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