Family pictures are some of our most treasured possessions. They are visual and historic records of our history and our loved ones, and they are irreplaceable.

Author Amber Richards from Bellevue, WA recently released a new ebook called 'Preserve Your Family Pictures: How To Save Photo Heirlooms for Future Generations.'

This book teaches proper methods to save and store pictures using archival techniques both print and digital formats. Some experts believe that color photographs have a lifespan of about 50 years. Steps need to be taken to ensure these won't be lost forever to simple aging.

Richards states that, "It is a sad sight to look into the eyes of someone as they tell you a tragedy that happened, in which their family pictures were lost or destroyed. It affects generations. There are ways to protect these heirlooms from loss, whether it be aging, theft, or another disaster and its not something we should put off doing until later."

This book also delves into how to preserve slides, converting your images to digital formats, and simple photo editing fixes.

For this and other books written by Amber Richards, visit her website at: