Ocean Grove, Victoria, Australia - March 2015 - Ocean Grove Real Estate Agents ‘self published’ radio shows have passed the 1,000 download mark for the very first time. Seven weeks ago, Hugh McKewan and Andrew Hamilton,  launched their very own Lifestyle Radio Show called ‘Ocean Grove Living’ designed to help people considering moving to Ocean Grove.

In the ensuing three weeks , it became apparent there was a need for a shorter version specifically tailored to people interested in the Ocean Grove property market.

The  short, sharp  three minute ‘News Update’ bizcast format was borne.  Produced twice per week, the combined reach of the two shows have now surpassed 1,000 downloads.

“We’re continually amazed at the reach and engagement the radio shows create for our business in such a small community.” says Andrew Hamilton ­ Director at Hayden Real Estate in Ocean Grove

“The 25 minute Lifestyle format is great for people considering moving to Ocean Grove, but for people already invested in Ocean Grove, the ‘Property News Updates’ or ‘bizcasts’ as we like to call them are working really well.  It gives the audience exactly what is happening right at that moment in time.”

Hayden Ocean Grove publish both shows to iTunes but more importantly, to their Hayden Ocean Grove Facebook Page.

‘I think we might be the first real estate firm in Australia to be self publishing a radio show that is playable directly in our Facebook fans news feed.’ says fellow Director Hugh McKewan

Sales and listings are now on the rise but more interestingly, the ‘vibe’ on the street has risen since the launch of Ocean Grove Living and the Ocean Grove Property News Update.

‘We’ve never had such a positive reaction to any form of marketing before’ says Hugh

‘People continue to say hi and compliment us on the radio show as I get about town.  1,000 downloads is not bad for a town population size of around 10,000 people.” says Hugh

‘We are seeing a surge in listings and sales.  I’m not sure we can directly attribute to the radio shows but it certainly is a healthy part of the mix.’

For further information about how two Ocean Grove Real Estate Agents passed 1,000 radio show downloads, contact Hugh McKewan 0417 538

Website: http://www.haydenoceangrove.com.au/ocean-grove-property-radio-hits-1000