LONDON, UK; Aug. 21, 2013: David Myth, life coach and entrepreneur, is happy to announce the launch of his new website, The Secret Rhonda Byrne. The website,, is inspired by a book and a documentary of the same name. The idea behind it is to get people to realize that they have the power within their subconscious to change their own lives. 

The idea was initially brought to the world in 2007 when Rhonda Byrne, an Australian, was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. It was followed shortly by a short inspirational documentary called The Secret, Rhonda Byrne. David has been using the concepts that are featured in both the book and the documentary for years. He has helped dozens of individuals to change their lives by acknowledging the power that they have within. 

In a nutshell, The Secret teaches us to actually use our thoughts to define the success that we want in any area of life whether it is in business, family, relationships and even health. It does not advocate that you sit and daydream about the things that you want – that is a recipe for failure. 

Instead, you must learn how to utilize the law of attraction. The law of attraction teaches us that we attract what you think about. Everything that you want is out there. If you send out positive thoughts about it, it will eventually manifest. 

David teaches you how to learn to send out positive thoughts so that you can get what you want. People fail when thinking about the things that they want because they think about them in the negative. If you want more money for example, you have to learn to say to yourself “I have the money that I want in my life”. Instead, we too often think “I don’t have the money that I want in my life; how can I get it?” The negativity that is in that statement will be sent out to the universe and your quest to get more money in your life will never manifest. 

The power of visualization is also important. In The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, there is a page about how to learn to see the world as you want it to be. If you are overweight, for example, and you want to use visualization to lose weight, you must spend some time every day seeing in your mind’s eye what a slimmer you would look like. Think about yourself shopping for smaller clothes and eating healthier foods. You will find yourself making the choices that are needed for you to lose weight. 

An important part of success is letting go of the past. David quotes Winston Churchill “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” It is important, he explains, to let go of past failures – thinking about them or thinking that they define who you are will only hold you back from future success. Visit Secret TV to read stories of how people’s lives changed when they understood how to get what they want in life using The Secret. 

David Myth can help you, through The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, change your life and achieve in your life. Contact him by clicking here and start to manifest the life that you want.