Do you own any sort of marketing business? Have you thought about getting one started? Are you currently having trouble reaching your target audiences? Well my friends our group is just for you! 

We are currently putting together a group to meet once a week, in order to target those floundering areas or any issue that you may run across. We will target subjects as SEO and social and mobile marketing. Social outlets are fast becoming a great source to grow any kind of business. We need those social outlets in order to reach certain audiences that we may not get otherwise. And to that end through this group you can discuss your target audiences and we can help you come up with ways to increase your customer, not to mention your traffic flow. 

If you are new to the business world and just starting things up, don't worry about it. We will be the guide that you need. We can help you avoid the pitfalls that you need to be aware of and increase your chances of success. Our experienced businessmen and women can help you to know what you should and shouldn't do. What products you should go with and which SEO products you need to stay away from. We will give you the benefit of our vast experience and take you under our wing. 

We will also help you to understand how mobile marketing is a way to capitalize and help your business grow. More and more people are using their phones for internet use and it's time that we bring you into the 21st century and all that comes with it. By attending our group we can help to show you the benefits. Plus we will discuss the ways in which certain tools can be utilized to increase your business. For any business owner that is struggling with mobile marketing and where to begin, we strongly recommend that you join us. 

When you use SEO you need to make sure that you keep the traffic directed right to your site and the products that you have to offer. By using SEO you will increase your brand personality and increase your leadership. In capitalizing on this, our group will give you the tools of SEO that you need to have on your side. If there is a problem and it's affecting your customers and your profits, we will see where the problem is and help brainstorm for ways to fix it. 

Our weekly meetings will help you with all of this and more. But more importantly our group is a fellowship for both men and women. We can sit down together and not only brainstorm with one another. but view each others as equals, rather than individuals who are separate. In terms of many local companies you have a hard time staying above the fray and surviving because everyone is in competition with one another. But in this group we all work together and side by side, not pitted against one another. 

So please come and hangout with Yolanda Amphy. Everyone is welcome!