SOAR Beyond Recovery answers the question, “What happens once the Twelve Step programs (and other recovery programs) no longer serve the expanding needs of recovering addicts/alcoholics to live their most purposeful life? What then?” Patricia M. Kelley, of has identified a significant need in the recovery industry. SOAR fills that need in ways that launch participants beyond recovery. Kelley is also Author of the forthcoming book, The Next Big Step: How To SOAR Beyond Recovery With Purpose and Prosperity.

 SOAR is for those that have been in active recovery for a minimum of one year, recognizing too, that many are not ready for several years. This program acknowledges the importance of Twelve Step programs (and others) in getting clean and sober-and staying that way. The focus of SOAR Beyond Recovery is on what’s possible beyond Twelve Step recovery and meetings, when the programs no longer offer the deep personal, purposeful and often profound growth that an individual is ready for.

It does not replace solid recovery programs, but instead, would be considered an adjunct. SOAR Beyond Recovery integrates the principles of The Purpose Plan, Kelley’s breakthrough program that guides participants into recognizing the Overarching Purpose and Themes of Purpose of their entire lives, and supports them living a greater life—the life they were born to live. This program helps people discover the “message in their mess”—and how to create a great, thriving life with what they learn.

The Purpose Plan process helps individuals clearly see and understand the “Themes” running through their lives and how that translates into callings and missions at different stages of life. Patty is able to not only see the whole picture,”reports Dinny Lansdowne, Branding Expert and Founder of,“which may not even be visible to you yet – but also all of the moving parts and details.” This process helps participants see how everything, good and bad, has contributed to the overarching Purpose Plan for their lives.

The acronym, SOAR, represents Strategy, Opportunity, Action, and Results. The program fully integrates the key elements needed to launch a more purposeful, successful and prosperous life. It also supports those seeking to launch a long-held entrepreneurial dream or a new endeavor that evolves out of the SOAR program. Dr. Tim Wittman, Psychologist, offered this about Kelley’s compassion and skills. “I believe Patty's success results from the fact that she truly cares for and values her clients, and takes as much pleasure witnessing positive changes as she does simply being the agent of change. Patty can make even the smallest of dreams come true in a big way!”

The program is meant to facilitate recovering alcoholics and addicts gain clarity and move forward into a new life of empowered purpose, peace and prosperity. The Purpose Plan program offers significant support to those who may believe they have ruined their lives or lost opportunities for success because of their past.

When asked to describe in a nutshell what SOAR and The Purpose Plan can do for clients, Kelley offered this about the transformation possibilities. “It will help a recovering addict/alcoholic excavate their innate greatness, and to convert their long held “pain into purpose, mis-takes into re-takes, loss into legacy and a mediocre life into a magnificent one.” She also wants readers to know that the science of epigenetics (Biology of Belief, Bruce H. Lipton PhD) and the emerging science of nutrigenomics are important factors in her holistic programs.

Inspired by Kelley’s powerful connection with the crowd at an event he attended, and the impact she had on the attendees, William F. Martin, M.D. of Seattle and Phoenix, AZ had this to say: “Do not go to Ms. Kelley if you want to remain unchanged.  Once her empowering energy grabs you– you’re hooked!”

Another endorsement of Kelley’s ability to connect with and inspire others comes from Rebecca Pratt, Chief of Production, (Ret) Newsweek Magazinewith this quote. “Patty Kelley is quite simply one of the most effective and delightful inspirational speakers I have had the pleasure of hearing in a long time.” 

Kelley’s expertise is evidenced in her ability to empower others to step out of “who they are, into who they want to be” in a grounded, purposeful and inspired way. Barbara Beck, owner of Revolutionary Love Relationship Coaching, offered this about Kelley’s abilities. Patty is a powerful combination of change-agent, bright intelligence, creative genius, motivator, inspiration and Spiritual guru all in one.”

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ABOUT: Patricia M. Kelley is a BIG CHANGES Life and Biz Wholeness Coach, Speaker & Change Catalyst. She has been invited to speak at local, regional and national Addiction events and conferences. Kelley offers Keynotes and workshops on The Next Big Step; How To Turn Life’s Lessons into Big Money Messages; and StopHealPreventCancer naturally. She brings her own story of being deeply affected by the alcoholism and drug addictions of multiple family members’ into her empowering work. Kelley is also Author of the forthcoming book, The Next Big Step: How To SOAR Beyond Recovery With Purpose and Prosperity.


Media Contact:

Patricia M. Kelley

The Change Teacher

Anacortes, WA

206 391 7707 (cell)

[email protected]