Services in cosmetic industry are becoming a huge business in Singapore. There are lots of local clinics that are competing on this market that recently established. Since there are a lot of people who are willing to spend to make their appearance look better, the business outlook seems great. 

Medora Centre offers various cosmetic and aesthetic services. It was headed by Dr Zubin Medora who is the current medical director and primary care doctor of the clinic. All other medical doctors are also certified by the Ministry of Health in Singapore. You do not have to worry about their capability to perform any procedures. 

Some of the common procedures conducted on the clinic includes both noninvasive or minimally invasive operations. Non invasive surgical operations which is done on the face or the body includes hair transplant and laser treatment for stretch marks. On the other hand, invasive or minimally invasive procedures include more complex procedures like facelift, eye surgery and other related surgical operations. 

“All this procedures are done by certified doctors with skills and necessary training to complete the procedure successfully”, said Dr Zubin Medora. They all have their specialties in their respective fields which is very useful on our day to day clinic opertions. 

Dr Zubin Medora has an undergraduate medical training, postrgraduate surgical qualifications and even concrete training and experience in the industry. He was also a member of few medical organizations as added to his portfolio.Cosmetic procedures involves certain risk which needs to be checked by all people opting for the service. They need to do their research first to make sure that they are in good hands. If not done properly, it can cause a lot of complications which can affect your day to day life. 

About Medora center 

Medora center is a locally registered medical center, run by qualified doctors all registered by relevant authorities and with a strong belief in a team effort to offer the best medical care for patients For further information contact: 


Dr Zubin Medora
Medical Director and Primary Care Doctor
Medora Centre for Medicine and Surgery
#03-08 Camden Medical Centre, One Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 248649
Tel: +65 6836 6035
E-mail: [email protected]