The procedure of eye-brow transplant, while appearing straightforward in theory, is officially a hard, tedious and backbreaking process that takes hours to bring out. Consequently you may not locate all-plastic doctors willing to try this process.

In a eyebrow transplant process, a remove of coarse hair is collected in the trunk of the crown (for men's eyebrows), or above the ears (for females brows) under local anesthesia. The hairs are teased out separately and added into little cuts made on the graft region that was carefully marked out recipient eyebrow. The angle of insertion as well as the orientation of the replanted hair follicle to the surface of the skin along with the encounter are extremely essential to achievement and the aesthetics of the eyebrow implant process.

Careful post operative care is needed to ensure the stability of the forehead implant. With great treatment, an individual can get to have beautifully shaped new and natural thick brows within about 2 months. For more information please visit


Eyebrow Embroidery has been extremely popular in Singapore over the last few years for asian women born with sparse and uneven eyebrow volume and shape. This has become the must-have beauty treatment among many women with the phasing out of dated trends such as eyebrow tattoos.


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