It has been reported that the current market trends showed a marked rise in the purchase of 1 carat diamond rings as opposed to the others. Traders have said that these stones are most popularly sold as they have been the most popular choice among the public aka the customers.

Experts have revealed that besides the budget, the most obvious reason for the choice of the 1 carat diamond solitaire ring has been none other than the weight. Women all over the world have revealed that it is better to wear a right that comfortably fits in their finger than one that weights their fingers down and tires them out. with the rise of the working women, practicality has come into the question when it comes to picking diamond rings.

For most of the women, it has been revealed that the highest they can go is not more than 1.5 carat diamond ring. This is because since it is a ring that they will be wearing everywhere, including to the work place, they want it to be comfortable. historians have said that the word carat comes form the carob tree whose seeds were used as the weight standard of the precious stones.

In the present day market, the price of a 1 carat diamond will normally range form 3,080 dollars to 26,950 dollars, depending on the carat. Diamond sellers have also said that most customers prefer to buy the 1 carat because of the fact that these are the ones that makes for great shoulder stones. The size is just right to be able to bring a significant contrast which in turn brings out the natural beauty of the centre’s stone.

There have been a visible rise the sale of these precious stones are whole sale prices. Most whole sale suppliers sell their stones on the internet at affordable prices. For more information please visit
About diamondregistry
The diamond registry is the go to web site for those of the individuals who love their diamond rings. This is the right web site to find out all the right prices and information about these diamond rings.


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