Recruiting is all about finding the right candidate for the right position at the right time. Right candidates are like a moving target. You wink for a brief moment of time; you have to start your search all over again. Right positions are no different. You can’t tell your client that it is too late in the evening to work on a position. If you can’t get right into action the sooner the position gets open, your competitors get ahead of you. Worse, your own client becomes either direct competition by spreading the word internally or an indirect competition by reaching out to your competitors.

A successful recruiting company builds a robust process that produces consistent results irrespective of market conditions. They achieve this by building a highly competitive recruiting team and rewarding them with top-of-the-line incentives. You can’t make a recruiter recruit for you. A recruiter has to have it in her. Top-gun recruiters have the unfathomable passion to fill in any position, the will of a leading sportsman to beat own record and courage to think out of box.

In good times, there is so much demand and so little a supply, yet you have to hire the best available in the market and reengineer them if required to suit the positions. Clients ease the restrictions by being flexible to hire less qualified candidates for the project deadlines they have to meet. It is like a rising wave. In good times, everyone sails well and recruiting companies do good by and large.

In the bad times like recession where there is little demand and plenty of supply, time is of sole essence. Be ahead of your competition to beat the bust, else you get busted. You can’t plan in the middle of a crisis. Experience counts, so does planning in advance. Bad times are the true testing period for great recruiting companies to stand out among the rest.

Vedicsoft is one of the few successful companies that has transformed from being a good recruiting company to great recruiting company over the past decade. This is no simple feat to achieve especially when they have leveraged the cost effective outsourcing model to the fullest. They have weathered the storms of 2001 bust with sheer focus and determination. Staying on course is the primary key to recruiting success. They mastered this simple art to greater results. Vedicsoft has built a word-of-mouth recruiting model that works. The current recession is bigger challenge to even great companies. Vedicsoft seems to have in it what it takes to ride the wave and stay on course.

Vedicsoft is not a pure play recruiting company. They specialize in IT solutions. In fact Vedicsoft is well known for providing turn-key business solutions in Business Intelligence and ERP segments. Go to to learn more about them.