ESdat Environmental Database Software is used for collating and reporting environmental information. It offers interactive functionality to manage, analyze and report laboratory data quickly and easily. ESdat uses its Electronic Lab Data Format (ELDF) to enable the transfer of data from a laboratory to ESDAT users in a format which allows checking and direct import into ESDAT. To import lab results faster, there is now the new Lab Initiated Report upload (LIRU).

Your laboratory will need to provide results in ESdat Electronic Lab Data Format (ELDF). The ELDF files contain batch receipt, lab report, sample and chemistry information, including comprehensive quality assurance data. The ELDF consists of three files: the Header File, the Sample File and the Chemistry Results File.

By subscribing to the ESdat Lab Initiated Report Upload (LIRU), an increasing number of organisations are streamlining the process even more. With LIRU, lab reports are imported into ESdat automatically. Users receive an email from ESdat informing them the Lab Report imported. The email contains a list of any exceedances, plus links that take the user directly to relent views with ESdat, including automatically tabulated data and a map of the sample locations.

The Lab Initiated Report upload combined with the ESdat Reference Database synch has the potential to revolutionise how laboratory data is received into users’ systems. Critical elements like ChemCodes, Chemistry Profiles, Unit Conversions and Environmental Standards are all kept up to date.

The Lab Initiated Report Upload is available as an annual subscription. Labs that support the Lab Initiated Upload include AGAT, ALS, Analytica Laboratories Ltd, Assure Quality, Caro, EnviroLab, Eurofins, and SGS. For more information please visit:

ESdat, Environmental Data Management Software, is developed by Earth Science Information Systems (EScIS), and used by environmental professionals for a variety of applications including contaminated/industrial sites, groundwater investigations, general site environmental management and landfill.

ESdat is unmatched in its advantages for assisting you with managing environmental data. Its intelligent design enables you to perform many tasks you previously performed manually.

About us:

EScIS provide environmental and groundwater database software, consultancy, advisory, programming, customization, implementation, and training services.

EScIS also develop and resell the ESdat suite of software. ESdat is used worldwide and is the most widely used environmental and groundwater data management and analysis package in the Asia / Pacific.

Tom Wilson
Unit 4, 59 Centennial Circuit Byron Bay, NSW, 2481 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9232 8080
EMail: [email protected]