Dr. Zubin Medora is the head of a surgery and medical client specializing in cosmetic surgery call Medora Centre in Singapore. Dr Medora is an extremely experienced physician within the cosmetic plastic surgery field. This practitioner is definitely the facilities healthcare medical doctor as well as holds the position of medical director. He's an extremely experienced certified physician with many years practical experience.

Dr. Zubin Medora undergrad educational study was in medicine and surgical procedure having a specialization in the area of cosmetic plastic surgery. He undergrad studies were with Guy’s and St Thomas Hospitals in London, followed by the University of London where is graduated from.

Around the medical center

The ministry of health as well as Singapore Medical Council in Singapore has registered the Medora Centre as an authorized health-related medical clinic in the area. The clinic is known for its 15 minute Asian Face-Lift, as well as Hair restoration and their scar less breast reduction procedures.

The medical center professional medical staff including Dr.Sundarason, a plastic surgeon, Dr. Gerard Chuah, Ophthalmology surgeon and Dr. Jon Lee, specializing in hand, wrist and microsurgical reconstruction completes the staff of doctors that generate a wholesome expertise and certification for the very best medical treatment for their clients.

Some other services the center has to offer are surgeries involving ear, nose and throat, hand reconstruction and cosmetic surgery. Many of the more frequent medical procedures done within the center are that are less invasive procedures are completed on an out-patient basis.

Self-confidence is among the fundamental principles of well-being. If you're not self-conscious about some facet of your physical appearance, this absence of self-confidence can pour over into numerous parts of your daily life. Cosmetic Surgery will help bring back patients’ self esteem into their overall look through a number of medical plastic surgery treatments meant to make you feel and look your very best.

At the Medora Centre we understand that every aspect of a patients care impacts the overall experience of being treated. The quality of the experience is determined from the first appointment to the surgery itself. The surgical staff has an outstanding skill level, education and practical experience and has surrounded themselves by having an exceptional office environment and medical team. This mixture creates an extremely comforting degree of self-confidence within their patients. The Medora Centre specializes in the natural beauty results.

When you decide on a physician that is certified through the Ministry of Health, there is no doubt your physician is capable of performing your surgical procedure. Get in touch with the Medora Centre to help you improve your health.

To learn more about Dr. Medora’s Medical Center, visit www.cosmeticsurgeon.sg

Dr. Zubin Medora
Medical Director and Primary Care Doctor
Medora Centre for Medicine and Surgery
Business Mailing Address: #03.08 Camden Medical Centre,
One Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 248649
Phone: 68366035
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.cosmeticsurgeon.sg