A legislation introduced by US Senators Dick Durbin and Richard Blumenthal is helping the consumers to distinguish between dietary supplements that are safe and those that have potentially serious side-effects or drug interactions. 

The Durbin-Blumenthal Dietary Supplement Labelling Act would improve the information available to the consumers by providing detailed information on the product labels, give more authority to the FDA to require manufacturers to register their products and provide proof of any health benefit claims and curb the prevalence of drinks and foods that are masquerading as dietary supplements as means of avoiding reviews and regulation by the FDA. 

Ami Gadhia, senior policy counsel for Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports says, "Millions of Americans take dietary supplements regularly. Many supplements may be safe and healthful, but there are numerous ingredients found in a variety of supplements that pose significant dangers to consumers. This bill would mean stronger requirements for manufacturers to deliver safe products and better labels with more information for consumers." Learn about Nootropics at http://denkbeter.nl 

The Durbin-Blumenthal would give consumers of dietary supplements a clear understanding of what they are taking in the following ways viz: 

1- Allowing FDA to track how many dietary supplements are on the market and the ingredients they contain. 

2- Requiring more information on product labels including warnings associated with specific ingredients. You can check out http://denkbeter.nl/13-phenibut 

3- Giving FDA the authority to require manufacturers to provide proof of any kind of health benefit claims. 

4- Directing the FDA to clarify the distinction between dietary supplements and food and product beverages with additives.